Adobe Premiere Pro
I have a stupid trick for you to try (emphasis on the word STUPID).

Close your project and close Premiere.
Navigate to Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\Plug-ins\en_US.
Locate the file ImporterFastMPEG.prm and move it to your desktop (don't copy it, move it).
Open Premiere and your project. Your project will now show as needing to be rendered (everything will be red).

Export out a portion of your timeline as a test.

If it works, it means that PPro is having trouble with your captured clips. A lot of times, this can be traced back to cheap tapes, sometimes it's just weird voodoo. I suspect that on the next project you won't have any trouble at all. Anyway, if this works go ahead and export your entire project. Otherwise put the plug-in back in the en_US folder

In any event, be sure to put the plug-in back where you found it before you start your next project otherwise you won't be able to capture or edit HDV anymore.
